Great software is built by great teams

We are a dedicated and professional team of web, desktop, and mobile software developers.

Why thousands of clients
choose Automate

Trusted by
70+ happy clients

Recent testimonials
submitted by our clients

Our recent case studies

Data modeling tool for NoSQL databases

A revolutionary data modeling tool that introduces traditional database design concepts to NoSQL DBs.

Backend engineers
Positive reviews

State-of-the-art file sorting & processing technology

We developed a unique information technology solution that provides new file sorting algorithms.

C++ engineers
Hours of work

Our team is ready to develop an application for you

Contact us to discuss what you or your organization needs and we’ll start working on your project straight away!

Our design and
development approach

Project analysis and research
The customer provides us with detailed project-related information, gathered from supporting documents, process specs, systems, on-site analysis, market research, competitor analysis and end-user interviews.
Alignment with your business goals
As a part of the project, you will have a business analyst assigned on the project to assure all the development process is well-aligned with your goals.
The best cost to
quality ratio
Quality does come at a price, but we manage to keep the best cost to quality ratio. It guarantees affordable prices on our services to clients worldwide.
Quality software
After your app is developed, we’ll perform extensive integration process. An acceptance report will be created along with the software.

Flexible & reliable software

Trust our team with creating a unique software solution for your company.